Water Sport Rentals
Boats, Ski Boats, Kayaks, Fishing Boats
Paddleboards, Towables, Tubes, Scuba Gear
in Wolfeboro and the Lakes Region of NH
- Dive Winnipesaukee
Canoes, Paddleboards, Towables, Inflatables, Scuba
4 N. Main St, Wolfeboro
(603) 569-8080 - Hole in the Wall
Boats, Canoes, Kayaks
45 N Main St, Wolfeboro
(603) 569-4653 - More… See Marinas…
- Melvin Village Marina
463 Rte 109 Melvin Village (603) 544-3583 - Melvin Village Marina of Ossipee
801 NH-16, Ossipee (603) 651-1001 - Saw Mill Marina
27 Bay St, Wolfeboro (603) 569-3972 - Parker Marine
381 Main St, Alton Bay
(603) 875-2600