Enjoy the many playgrounds
around Wolfeboro and Tuftonboro.
10 Trotting Track Rd, Wolfeboro
Playground, climbing structures, track and fields.
Also Dog Park
Carpenter School
102 South Main St, Wolfeboro
Large wooden playground with slides, swings, climbing structures and creative play areas.
Crescent Lake School
75 McManus Rd. Wolfeboro
Swings, basketball court, grassy area.
Tuftonboro Central School
105 Middle Rd. Tuftonboro
Playground, Ball Field.
Foss Field
88 Lehner St. Wolfeboro
Playground with swings, slides and climbing structures. Also, basketball, tennis and pickle ball courts. Soccer and baseball fields.
Located behind Harvest Market, 36 Center St. Also parking via Lehner & Gendon St. adjacent to Back Bay