Wolfeboro Public Library

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
9:30am – 8pm

Friday & Saturday 9:30am – 5pm
Closed Sunday

Children's Storytimes

  • Postponed for now.


  • The Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group will present – Locating School Records for Your Ancestors
    October 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

    The Lakes Region Genealogy Interest Group will present a program on how to search for school records for your ancestors on Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 6:30 pm via Zoom. The program is free and open to all.School records, yearbooks and related materials are becoming more and more accessible to family researchers. In this session, we will explore methods you can use to locate records, photos and meaningful school related information that will enhance your “family story!”
    This will be an “interactive” session: We encourage you to submit your “query” to us in advance. We would use your information in our online class, and hopefully bring a smile to your face! To do so, please email the name of your ancestor, the city and state resided in, and specify if you are searching for elementary, middle, high school records or if a college, the name of the institution to: lakesrgig17@gmail.com and your will receive your invitation to this Zoom meeting. More…


  • A Book Discussion of “An American Marriage” by Tayari Jones
    October 27 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    This is an in-person book discussion and therefor sign-ups will be required due to Covid-19 protocols.
    The meeting will be held in the Helen Bradley Meeting Room here at the Library.

    Helen and Lynne will facilitate.

    Call or drop-in to sign-up for the meeting. Seating is limited.


Tuftonboro Free Library

Tuesday: 10am-3pm
Wed-Friday: 10am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm

  • History Book Group
    Fourth Wednesday of month
    • Wednesday, October 28th, 7pm
      Blood and Thunder
      by Hampton Sides
    Arrow Wood Turning

    Be sure to visit the library and see this
    beautiful collection of hand-turned bowls,
    vases, platters and free-form art pieces!
    On display thru the month of October.
  • Also on Display
    Hand-Made Crafts by
    Kezzie Allen

New Durham Library

Porch Pick-up Service available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Call 603-859-2201 for details.

Gilman Library - Alton

Service by appointment during business hours. Call to make an appointment.

  • Gilman Library Business Hours:

    Tuesday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
    Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Friday: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
    Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.

    Gilman Library Curbside, Computer, Copies, Fax and Patron Browsing Hours:

    Tuesday: 3:00 – 6:00 pm
    Wednesday & Thursday:
    10:00 am – Noon & 1:00 – 3:00 pm
    Friday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm & 3:00-6:00 pm
    Saturday: 10:00 am – Noon

Ossipee Library

Hours:  MON- 12-8, TUE- 10-5, THU- 12-8, FRI- 10-5, SAT- 9-1

Gafney Library - wakefield

Tues-Thurs 1-7pm
Fri-Sat 9am-12:30pm

  • A curbside service
    three steps!
    1. Reserve your item(s). There are three ways of doing this—choose yours!
     Log into the Gafney catalog https://gafney.biblionix.com/catalog/ using your card
    number and phone number on file. Once logged in you will be able to search the
    catalog and reserve items. Need help? Click the “help” button in the catalog or give
    us a call at 522-3401.
     Email us with your requests gafney@gafneylibrary.org using the exact title and author for books, audiobooks and movies
     Call the library 522-3401 with your request and/or ask us to help you find a good
    read – one of the things we really love to do!
    2. Wait for us to call or email you (your choice) to set up an appointment to pick up your
    3. Pick them up!
    When you arrive at the library for your pickup appointment call 522-3401 to let us know
    you are waiting and a staff member will place your bag on a table. On a fair-weather
    day the table may be outside the old front door of the library. Otherwise the table will
    be in the connector hallway. Items will already be checked out to you and placed in a
    paper bag with your last name in large letters. You’re all set—grab and go!
    • Please do not ask for additional items at pickup.
    • All items should be returned to the outside book drop.
    Please wear a mask and social distance during pickup

Effingham Library

Effingham Library

30 Townhouse Rd, Effingham

Tues/Wed 1-7
Fri/Sat 9-3

  • The Library is currently offering
  • No-contact curbside pickups; reserve a book on our catalog (sign-in required) or by calling or email the library.
  • 20 minute in-library appointments for browsing, computer use, printing, and faxing. Please schedule your appointment (offered on Wednesdays 1pm-5pm & Saturdays 10am-2pm) by contacting the library.
  • ILL has resumed and we can now place book orders through libraries across the state. Contact EPL if you’re looking for a book not in our collection.
  • Socially distant outdoor events such as our October Scarecrow Contest; please register your scarecrow by contacting the library.
  • Free extended WiFi in the parking lot.
  • Downloadable books through Overdrive and the Libby app is always available, you just need your library card number.
  • Creativebug online; access to thousands of craft classes; you just need your library card number.

Cook Memorial Library

Cook Memorial Library

93 Main Street Tamworth

Mon 10am-5pm
Tues & Wed 10am-8pm
Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-4pm

  • The library is open its regular hours with COVID-19 requirements that include mask wearing, hand sanitizing, and limits on the number of people in the building at a time. Calling ahead, especially for computer use, helps staff plan. Call 323-8510 to make an appointment. 

    Curbside pickup: Beginning October 2, books and other library items will be packed and placed on the new pickup shelf in the foyer. If you prefer not to enter the foyer, call ahead and a library staff member will bring your items outside for you.

    Document services: For copying, faxing, scanning, printing, please come in to the library, where a staff member will assist you. If you prefer not to enter, please call ahead to make arrangements for outside drop-off/pickup.

    Meeting room: Our large meeting room will be available by appointment beginning October 13 for small groups of up to 10 people. No other library spaces will be available for meetings, and meetings should be scheduled during the library’s open hours. There are further COVID-related requirements, call for details.

    Outdoor spaces: Our outdoor spaces, front and back, will remain available for wifi and other use as long as weather permits.