Clubs and Groups

active outdoor adults

Active Outdoor Adults – AOA

Weather permitting the group meets each Wednesday at 8am in the Glendon St. municipal parking lot to carpool.
Annual dues are just $5 per household.

Contact Info:
 Steve Brinser:
Paul Matlock:
Tracey Richardson:

About AOA

Group of men and women from Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, Ossipee, Alton, and surrounding towns, who like to keep on the move, enjoy the outdoors and each other’s company – hike, bike, snowshoe, ski, and kayak together depending on the season.

No age requirement for membership. Members sometimes bring along their friends, children, and even grandchildren for some events.


Ladies of the Lakes Quilters’ Guild

Mondays from 10am-2pm and
1st & 3rd Tuesday 6-9pm
at the Wolfeboro Community Center
32 Lehner St. Wolfeboro

Ladies of the Lakes Quilters’ Guild
to promote the appreciation
and knowledge of quilts;
to sponsor and promote quilting activities;
to encourage quilt making;
and don’t forget the friendship and fun.


Lakes Region Newcomers Club

P.O. Box 966
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896

First Friday Breakfast
8:30am at the Wolfeboro Inn
in the downstairs function room
$13.00 per person

The Lakes Region Newcomers Club (LRNC) is a fun, year-round social organization composed of multi-age newcomers as well as long-time seasonal and year-round residents.

Discover the wide variety of cultural, social and recreational resources available throughout the Lakes Region and New England.

Tuftonboro Hikers Club

For more information, please contact Hiker President Carol Simpson (603) 539-7587 Meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month 2pm at the Willing Workers Hall, Melvin Village.

In 1930, The Hikers was formed to promote a better social and intellectual cooperation among its members and through them be a help to the community.

The Hikers are always looking for new members: women who are interested in developing new friendships and helping with projects that help our community.


Wolfeboro Garden Club

Meetings are 2nd Tuesday of the month at All Saints Episcopal Church in Wolfeboro
Sept – June.

Check out the 10 Gardens that the
Wolfeboro Garden Club maintains around Wolfeboro

  • February 12: All About Mushrooms
  • March 12: Grow It, Cut It, Arrange It
  • April 9: By Design Dahlias
  • May 14: Fall’s Herbal Bounty
  • June 14: Annual Luncheon

The Wolfeboro Senior Citizens Club
“young-at-heart” 50 and over citizens

Older residents are invited (men and women) to come to one of the monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. held at the Episcopal Church next to Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro. (except July and August) Dues are $12/year.
Entertainment and refreshments provided at each meeting.

The club also sponsors a spring and Christmas luncheon at an outside facility for a nominal cost $12-$15/person with the club providing for any additional cost.

Weight Watchers

Meetings Every Tuesday
All Saints Episcopal Church, 258 S. Main St. Wolfeboro