Civic Groups

American Legion

Lions Clubs


  • Wolfeboro Lions Club

    PO Box 325 – Wolfeboro
    Wolfeboro Lions meets
    every 2nd & 4th Tuesday
    6:30pm at Wolfeboro Inn
    90 N Main St, Wolfeboro

Masonic Lodges


  • Wolfeboro’s Masonic and
    Eastern Star Organizations

    “Morning Star Lodge”

    Public breakfast
    First Sunday of the Month
    7 to 11am at the Masonic Hall at 35 Trotting Track Road in Wolfeboro, across from the Nick.

    Buffet menu items include pancakes, bacon, sausage, home fries, scrambled eggs, breads, fresh fruit, cereal, milk, coffee, tea and juice. The cost is $10 for adults, $3 for children aged five to 12 and free for children four and under.

  • Ossipee Valley & Carroll
    Masonic Lodges

    535 Route 25 East, Ossipee
    (across from Abbott & Staples Gas)
    Sunday Breakfast Buffet
    every 2nd & 4th Sunday
    7:30 – 11:00
    All you can eat breakfast buffet.
    $10.00 per person (children ages 6 to 12 $5.00,
    ages 5 and under free).

Rotary Clubs


Wolfeboro Rotary Club

Meetings:Second & Fourth Monday
5:30PM at the Wolfeboro Inn
90 N Main St 1812 Room Wolfeboro

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